Sweet Bubba Seedless Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis ‘Sweet Bubba’)

Sweet Bubba Seedless Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis ‘Sweet Bubba’)


Sweet Bubba Seedless Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis ‘Sweet Bubba’) is a limited maintenance tree with many benefits. This fantastic Desert Willow cultivar is a cross between “Sweet Katie,” a burgundy-colored Desert Willow and “Bubba” Desert Willow. This variety has all the features of Bubba, but with larger blooms that are burgundy or pink in color. These fragrant flowers attract Hummingbirds, Butterflies and Bees, and they bloom heavier and longer than other varieties. This willow has large dark green leaves that also add interesting leaf shapes to your landscapes, before and after the blooms are gone. Sweet Bubba is disease and drought resistant, and thrives in dry, low rainfall environments.

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Additional information

Dimensions N/A
Tree Size

15 Gallon, 25/30 Gallon, 45 Gallon, 65 Gallon, 95 Gallon